The most effective protein diet menu for 10 days to lose weight by 7-10 kg

The menu of a protein diet for weight loss for 10 days implies a complete rejection of fats and carbohydrates. Such a strict diet allows you to get rid of 7-10 kg, but it has disadvantages and contraindications, it is not suitable for everyone.

protein foods for weight loss

Protein Diet - What Is It?

With a protein diet, fat stores are actively burned. The main source of energy for humans is carbohydrates, and on this diet, there are virtually no carbohydrates in the diet. The body starts looking for alternative sources of energy.

Protein diet for 10 days - rules:

  1. The number of meals a day is 5-6, you need to eat at regular intervals.
  2. The last meal is 4 hours before bed.
  3. Last meal until 19: 00. With a strong feeling of hunger, you can drink 200 ml of low-fat kefir one hour before bed.
  4. The daily caloric content of the diet is at least 1200 kcal.
  5. Portion - 200-300 g.
  6. Be sure to observe the drinking regime - drink at least 1. 5 liters of purified non-carbonated water a day. Teas, juices, soups are not included in this volume.
  7. Drink water in the morning on an empty stomach, 20 minutes before each meal. After eating, you can drink water only after 2 hours.
  8. To prevent muscle wasting, you need to increase the intensity of the exercise. But cardio and strength training should be avoided.

The basis of the protein diet for 10 days is animal proteins, which represent 60% of the total diet. In addition, it is allowed to eat non-starchy vegetables as a source of fiber and vitamins.

Allowed and prohibited products

During protein nutrition for weight loss, you can cook dishes from any lean meat, sea fish and seafood, eggs, mushrooms, you can use medium-fat fermented dairy products, hard cheeses. For side dishes and soups, use zucchini, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, any type of cabbage.

Prohibited products:

  • sugar in any form, pastry, pastry;
  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • fatty meats;
  • sausages;
  • cereals, pasta;
  • bananas, grapes, potatoes, vegetables;
  • semi-finished products, canned foods, store-bought fatty sauces;
  • alcoholic, carbonated, energy drinks.

It is best to completely avoid black coffee and strong tea and minimize the amount of salt. You can drink rosehip broth, herbal teas, natural juices.

In some versions of the protein diet, it is not allowed to consume more than 7 tablespoons. I. porridge in the morning. It can be oatmeal in water, brown rice, buckwheat, cooked until half cooked.

Protein diet for 10 days: menu and results

With a protein diet for weight loss, the menu for 10 days is varied, but on the first day it is best to eat eggs. Preference should be given to boiled eggs - 4 units per day, or proteins - 8 units. Also, you can eat any vegetables allowed. But this beginning can turn into severe stress for the body. Therefore, it is better to make a list of possible dishes in advance and combine them.

After a weekly meal, on the 8th, 9th, 10th, it is allowed to take the menu from any previous day. Be sure to eat a cooked or raw beet salad to avoid constipation.

Protein diet for weight loss - menu for 10 days:

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1 2 boiled eggs, green tea. Soup with lean meat and vegetables. Baked fish, vegetable salad.
two Cottage cheese with herbs, rosehip broth. Vegetable stew and stew. Steamed chicken fillet, tomato sauce, 2 diet buns.
3 Steam omelet with tomato. Fish soup, beet salad. Roast beef, pumpkin puree or cauliflower.
four Curd dough without sugar, tea. Steam chops, vegetable salad. Boiled meat, greens and vegetables salad.
5 200 ml of unsweetened yogurt, diet bread. Soup with chicken, celery and asparagus. Steamed fish cutlets with tomato and chili sauce, tea.
6 Boiled egg, cottage cheese with herbs. Steamed meat with vegetables. Seafood salad, broccoli puree.
7 Steam omelet, tea. Vegetable soup with meat. Curd, tea.

For the second breakfast and afternoon snack, apples, grapefruit, orange, kefir, cottage cheese with dried fruits, beet salad are suitable.

The result of a protein diet depends on the initial body weight, on average it takes from 5 to 7 kg. With a significant supply of excess weight - up to 10 kg. Subject to all rules, kilograms lost are not returned.

toast with red fish for a protein diet

going off the diet

The 10/10 protein diet has many positive reviews. But to get a lasting result, you need to follow all the rules of nutrition, to get off the diet correctly.

After ending the protein diet for 10 days, new products on the menu should be introduced 1 per day. You cannot immediately consume a large number of baked goods and sweets. It is necessary to return to the usual diet gradually, over 3-4 weeks. Make sure you continue to drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

Recipes for simple and delicious dishes

You should not include the same dishes in the diet for all 10 days - this will lead to exhaustion of the body. The diet should be varied as much as permitted products allow.

Protein salad:

  1. Boil and finely chop 150 g of squid and chicken breast.
  2. Cook 5 eggs. For the salad, only proteins are needed, which you need to rub on a coarse grater.
  3. Mix meat, seafood, proteins, add fresh herbs.
  4. Fill with lemon juice.

An original salad for an afternoon snack or dinner can be made with cottage cheese. Cut into small strips 300 g of cucumber, 100 g of carrot and green apple. Mix vegetables and fruits with 250 g of low-fat cottage cheese. Season with natural yogurt with a little lemon juice.

For dinner, you can cook the original casserole:

  1. Cut 250 g of chicken fillet into thin plates.
  2. Boil 150 g of broccoli, grind in a blender to a puree.
  3. Prepare the sauce - mix 60 ml of plain yogurt, 20 ml of high quality soy sauce, 5 mustard seeds.
  4. Add a little sauce to the puree, the rest evenly grease the pieces of meat.
  5. Place the fillet in layers on a baking sheet, grease the top layer with broccoli puree.
  6. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.

For lunch, boil soups in chicken broth, add various vegetables - cabbage, turnips, carrots, celery, mushrooms. Before serving, add chopped fresh herbs.

Protein diet varieties

There are several varieties of protein diet, you can choose any option based on personal preferences.

Types and brief description:

  1. Atkins Diet. A low carbohydrate diet can be followed for 4-5 weeks. From the diet you need to exclude carbohydrate-rich foods - cereals, pasta, fruits, berries. The list of prohibited foods includes all fermented dairy products except cottage cheese, candy, junk food. You cannot eat corn, potatoes, carrots. A nice bonus - it is allowed to drink dry and semi-dry wine in a small amount.
  2. Maggie Diet. The basis of the diet are eggs and citrus fruits. Prohibited foods are fatty meats, dried fruits, potatoes and bananas, cereals and pasta, alcohol, any oils. Bonus - the diet is long but sparing, the body learns to be saturated in small portions.
  3. Japanese. Designed for 13 days. The list of allowed foods is similar to the classic diet. But all foods can be consumed only in boiled form, salt is completely excluded. The daily calorie content does not exceed 1000 kcal, so a person feels a constant feeling of hunger.
  4. Dukan. It is considered the most economical, you can adhere to your whole life. The basis of the diet in the first phase is protein food. Benefits – There are no restrictions on portion sizes and meal times. The downside is that you have to constantly calculate the number of calories using a special calculator.

All protein diets have certain limitations and contraindications.

Advantages and disadvantages

A protein diet cannot be called balanced and completely safe. Such nutrition allows you to quickly shed extra pounds, but it can be harmful to your health.

Protein diet for 10 days - the pros and cons

Benefits imperfections
  • the feeling of hunger is absent for all 10 days, which makes it possible to avoid collapses;
  • rapid weight loss, the effect is noticeable already in the first days of the diet;
  • with a protein diet, it takes 10 kg in 10 days;
  • muscle mass does not decrease;
  • cellulite disappears;
  • the list of allowed products is varied, you can cook various delicious dishes.
  • the development of beriberi is possible, it is necessary to additionally take vitamin complexes;
  • protein foods in large quantities provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases, especially pathologies of the kidneys and liver;
  • With the rejection of fats and carbohydrates, the level of sugar and cholesterol increases.

The protein diet menu is designed for 10 days, you should not increase the duration to avoid the development of serious consequences.

crispy bread with cheese for a protein diet

Contraindications and side effects of the 10 day protein diet

A 10-day protein diet is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, kidney, liver, heart and vascular diseases, high cholesterol, people over 55 years of age. With any chronic disease in the acute phase, during pregnancy and lactation, it is impossible to adhere to such a diet for weight loss.

Protein diet 10 days - side reactions:

  • weakness, dizziness, irritability;
  • frequent bouts of headache and nausea;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • constipation, bloating;
  • deterioration of the skin's appearance.

When these symptoms appear, the protein diet should be abandoned.

Eating protein foods is a quick way to get rid of excess weight. But with a lot of protein in combination with a lack of fiber, the digestive system is disrupted. Therefore, if you feel unwell, you will need to switch to your usual diet.